时尚办公网(是一个专业的办公室设计平台,发布最新设计与材料讯息。如果您是建筑设计公司、室内设计公司、景观设计公司、甚或是一名学生,只要您有好的创意设计,我们非常荣幸能为您发布作品与大家分享。 is the professional platform of office design. If you are an architecture studio, interior designer, landscaper, or even a student with a great portfolio, popoffices is the perfect platform to showcase your work to an affluent architectural audience.
- 与办公相关的室内设计、建筑设计、景观设计,以及市政文化建筑和教育类建筑;
- 项目名称,设计师/设计公司,公司网站;
- 项目所在地(国家,城市);
- 如果可以请注明更多项目信息,如:项目摄影、项目施工、主材料供应商(办公家具、地毯、特殊墙面与吊顶)等;
- 每个项目提供最少不低于八张高分辨率(横向2000像素以上)的照片、效果图或平立剖图;
- 100-800字的项目介绍,让读者更深入了解设计创意。
Project requirements
Please provide the following information when submitting a project:
- Project about office interior design,office building,office landscape,social culture building and educational building.
- Provide the name and website of the author/studio.
- Location of the project (city and country).
- If applicable, other credits e.g. photographer, contractor,main material provider(office furniture,carpet,ceiling) etc.
- A minimum of eight high-resolution photographs, renders and/or plans, and sections, elevations.
- A 100-800 words description of the project. Our readers consider descriptions to be important,consequently poorly written descriptions will not get the project published.
Please follow the above guidelines if you want the project published. If the project is accepted, we will let you know the date and time of publication. Finally, a big thank you from popoffices!
popoffices 特别欢迎正在学习建筑与设计的学生踊跃投稿。将您的创意作品或正参与的项目按照上述准则上传至我们的邮箱,我们将特别发表在学生专栏区。非常感谢!
Student projects
popoffices welcomes submissions from architecture and design students who would like to see their work published. When submitting your project simply include the institution you are currently attending, together with the above project requirements, and your project will get published in the Student Corner section.
请将上传项目发至以下邮箱:Send your project to the following address: